Wednesday, December 31, 2008

England, Ireland and Every'ting Inbetween

Well looks like we made it to England! The pics will show the sights but cannot explain the cold! Yes we are from Winterpeg, but for some reason it feels just as cold here at 5 degrees as Winnipeg at -20 degrees. Sure the damp is bad, but wow, I guess I (Isaac) forgot what Cape Breton felt like! When we first arrived I slept with 2 shirts and 2 sweaters a pair of cords and jeans over top and I still woke up chilled!!
However England is still as wonderful as ever, the Congregation in Worthing is really nice the people so great!
Ireland is spectacular, even though we only saw Dublin. The river running through the city reminds me of Paris, and it is just as pretty.
Enjoy the pics:
Dublin, Ireland

The Head at British Museum

The Gunn in Worthing with 2 pints bitter

Beautiful House in Worthing

First Day, Fish n' Chips

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winnipeg: -43 degrees with windchill.
Nakuru: +25 degrees.
Sure going to miss winter.......

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 2008

So, 10 days till we leave for Minneapolis to spend a couple of days with Ezra, a good friend of ours in the sign cong in the Twin Cities. In other news we might have an apt in Nakuru sorted. Its in the Milimani Estates district. It looks nice and the Brothers say it is really clean and safe. We will post pics when we get there Jan 7th.
Please email us if you want more info and/or stay in touch!